Podcast listening

Consciousness ┊Personal Growth┊Happiness┊Health┊ Life

A Journey from Within to Without

Discover the Unfolding Podcast

Welcome to the Unfolding Podcast, an oasis of candid conversations, deep connections and authentic stories. Here, it's all about exploring consciousness, personal growth, happiness, health and life itself.

Our mission is simple but powerful: we inspire and encourage people to raise awareness, grow and prosper. Listen in now via Spotify or Youtube.

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We invite you to actively reflect and dive deeper into yourself. While listening to the podcasts, certain topics or feelings may come to you. This is an invitation to take hold of them and explore what is going on inside you.

To support you in this, we have put together a document with powerful self-reflection, introspection and shadow work exercises. These exercises support you to create more awareness and get closer to yourself.

Request your working paper now

Do you need guidance or want to go even deeper? We offer workshops and 1-on-1 coaching to support you on your path to self-development. Find out more about our workshops and coaching here.

Proud Sponsor:

the co-creator of your lifestyle

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Season 2 is here!

We are proud to Gervi to be listed as a sponsor of the second season of our podcasts.

Visit their website here and find out more about their offerings.


Unfolding Podcast Season 1

In these podcasts, listen to in-depth and honest dialogues where our guests show their true selves, share their deepest thoughts and tell their most inspiring stories.

Each conversation is a journey, an "unfolding" of new insights, personal information and perspectives. A platform where storytelling becomes an art and listening is a journey to enlightenment. Click on pictures to listen to the podcasts via Spotify. 

Sponsor the Podcasts and reach a targeted audience!

Do you want your play a part to the Unfolding Podcast as a sponsor or sympathiser? We are open to fruitful collaborations.

Whether you want to link your brand to our podcast or support some episodes financially or practically, let us know via our contact form.

Has your product or service the potential to improve the lives of our listeners? Fantastic! Contact us, and we will be happy to discuss the various options.

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Guest on the following Podcasts

Discover below the popular podcasts where we ourselves have previously been guests. Indulge in engaging conversations, rooted in wisdom and fuelled by curiosity.

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