"The use of ancestral challenges as a vaccine against the damaging effects of modern life"
"The use of ancestral challenges as a vaccine against the damaging effects of modern life"
What is metabolic flexibility?
Metabolic flexibility is the capacity of a cell to use different energy sources such as carbohydrates and fats (specifically: glycogen, ketones and lactate). It is simply the body's ability to use different energy sources.
Especially in pandemic times Want to be, become or stay metabolic flexible. Unfortunately, we currently live in The fattest, least fit demographic ever. By being metabolic flexible, we break free from the disastrous modern pandemic in which we have become dependent on carbohydrates.
With greater metabolic flexibility, you lose weight more easily, get more energy and get better sports performance, among other things.
Throughout evolution, people whose brains and bodies functioned well in sober state (while fasting/without eating) been successful in gathering food, survival and reproduction.
People who in sober status were unable to think efficiently or perform physically did not survive evolutionary pressures.
We are all descendants of successful humans and have therefore genetically inherited the programme to switch between energy sources.
Do you apply this properly? Then it leads both physically and cognitively to health, flexibility, performance improvement. On top of that, you prevent illness!
health can be that simple
Decide when to eat. 16:8 is the most well-known principle of intermittent fasting. Beware though, if you always apply this schedule the same way, its benefits disappear.
Be flexible with your food window (the period during which you absorb energy) If you want to achieve and maintain true metabolic flexibility.
From the moment your body is in a fasting state, ketones are produced by fat cells making fatty acids a source of energy. You enter a fasting state when the liver's glycogen is used up.
In response, adjustments at the molecular level take place in all cells of the tissues that are consuming energy at that moment. This improves functionality and resistance to stress, injury and illness.
metabolic flexibility
Every time we eat, our body responds with inflammation to protect us. The higher your meal frequency, the more inflammation develops in your body.
Your body gets a rest when you don't eat for periods and so it has time to do other things.
Fasting either prevents epilepsy or reduces its severity. Hippocrates wrote this more than 2,400 years ago. A disease he then named as "the sacred disease".
More recent research showed that during fasting and sober exercise, our nerves communicate more efficiently and the production of new nerves is greatly stimulated.
The growth hormone BDNF (brain derived neurotropic factor) is released in the brain when we are sober and is responsible for neuron plasticity, neurogenesis and increased stress capacity.
BDNF helps us learn and remember better. On top of that, it ensures that our brains are better protected against stress. Diseases such as Alzheimer's, dementia, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis,... can be improved by boosting neuroplasticity.
TIP 1 metabolic flexibility
Challenge your brain extra by, for example, solving arithmetic or a sudoku.
The number and quality of properly functioning mitochondria in muscle cells increases when we exercise intensively. This process is called mitohormesis.
Mitochondria are the energy factories (cell organelles) present in every cell of our body. In the citric acid cycle (kreb cycle), glucose is converted to ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This in turn is converted into energy for the cell. They are present in large numbers in our muscles, brain and liver as this is where a lot of energy is produced and consumed.
We do not stimulate mitohormesis only through fasting and/or sober exercise. the process occurs due to acute oxidative stress in the cell (physiological stress). When oxidative stress is excessive, cells die.
To obtain mitohormesis, is optimal load the target. Thus, it makes the cell stronger. Intermittent Living is a possible tool for mitohormesis. Here, we use various acute stressors such as oxygen, temperature, movement and fasting stimuli to optimally stress the cells so that they become stronger and more efficient.
There are a lot of chronic disease images resulting from the comfortable life we live and the prosperity that is always available. That is why we also call these chronic, ''insoluble'' disease images according to conventional medicine, WELFARE disease.
Many of these symptoms are brought about by excess in daily life. Typical ''diseases of old age" also fall under this heading.
Growing old healthily now seems like a luxury, although it used to be normal. A very important molecule in this process is mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) also called "the rejuvenation molecule". When we eat, blood sugar increases and fresh nutrients arrive. At that moment, mTOR activated.
Preventing ageing and disease
Among other things, mTOR takes care of cell division, proliferation, tissue repair, muscle and bone building and protection. Beware, this gets used up, if this is the case you will age faster and possibly get sick.
When we are in fasted state, mTOR is deactivated and processes such as cell breakdown and clearance (autophagy) take place. Eating all the time helps to deplete mTOR and prevent you from recovering, which will make you grow old and/or sick faster.
After this intressing but at first sight "bad news show", here comes the good news ;-)!
By changing your lifestyle, you will prevent the above. Are you already sick? Then you can often even reverse this.
How? By applying acute stressors such as intermittent fasting, cold and heat exposure, sober exercise, breathing exercises and so many other lifestyle interventions in your daily life. These acute stressors are all a part of intermittent living.
Start by going for a walk in the morning without eating or drinking. Do you like this? Then make it longer or more intense.