KPNI Therapist

Complete medicine that starts from the origin of complaints

kpni therapist

The body communicates by making you feel symptoms.

Many people give away all their energy on a daily basis, leading to imbalance at physical, mental, energetic and emotional levels. Our body gives (subtle) signals through intuition, such as feeling uncomfortable with certain situations or people.

If you ignore these signals, the imbalance may increase and your body will produce more powerful symptoms to get your attention.

The longer you keep these ignores signals, how more your against resistance on and the less you live the life that really serves you.

Do you recognise this?

In our sessions, we focus on the restoring this balance and the strengthening your awareness to the deeper causes of this imbalance to discover.

kpni therapist

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Therapist, trainer & keynote speaker

Thomas Vynke

With over 15 years of academic studies and practical experience, with a Masters in health and rehabilitation sciences & Clinical Psycho-Neuro-Immunology Thomas has specialised in several fields, including, Fascial Manipulation and Intermittent Living.

These expertises have given him a deep understanding of human functioning.

From thinking to feeling
Psychosomatic sessions for personal growth

This individual sessions are psychosomatic, which means we linking the power of our thinking to what we feel To increase awareness. The breath, movement, meditation and your own attention are the tools used to build the sessions. The combination of mentoring by Thomas and guided sessions allows you to bring blockages and tensions into your awareness and work with them during and after the session.

These tensions and blockages are held in our physical body (fascial tissue and nervous system) and prevent you from living your own life to the full. They hinder you from really connecting with yourself, family, friends, loved ones and colleagues.

The origins lie in stories we tell ourselves. These arise from beliefs or working hypotheses to perpetuate these learned stories and behaviours, thereby your own prison in mind creates.

The sessions focus on discovering insights and experiences leading to healing or transformation. It is important to note that the integration afterwards is of great importance; you always get tools provided to make this happen.

Self-love and self-mastery are the highest good. You take responsibility for everything in your life and learn to look at yourself and the whole world from love. This is a natural growth process on the way to your own core, your essence.

You grow from needing, through wanting to knowing.

Thomas Vyncke

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Life unfolds & we're evolving with it.

Modern humans are the result of millions of years of evolution. Within kPNI, evolutionary biology is seen as the foundation for developing diagnostic methods and treatments. 

To identify the origin of complaints, it is essential to consider the body as a whole. Doctors used to adopt this holistic approach, with time, more and more specialisations have emerged in medicine, such as psychology, neurology, endocrinology, immunology, cardiology, ... As a result, doctors have specialised in one specific area, but often at the expense of the ability to see the whole and make connections between different body systems.

KPNI clearly emphasises that all systems and mechanisms in the body are interconnected. Body and mind are inseparable, even if traditional medicine often ignores this connection.

kpni therapists

What topics does clinical psycho neuro immunology cover?

Success Doesn't Have to Come With Crazy Sacrifices. Don't Let Anyone Tell You Anything Different! Success is already there, within you.

KPNI therapy

kPNI = clinical psychoneuroimmunology. This hard science studies the relationship between the psyche (thoughts and emotions), the nervous system (neurotransmitters) and the immune system (cytokines, body barriers, hormones, ...). kPNI is considered the bridge between naturopathy and conventional medicine.

When are we considered healthy? When the body is able to respond flexibly to environmental changes. Therefore, within KPNI, health is: the mental, physical and social capacity to adapt to changing circumstances.

The recognized science is based on the latest scientific insights on nutrition, immunology, endocrinology, neurology and psychology. 

A Kpni therapist looks at the person as a whole, and not in boxes. It studies how the body as a whole functions and works together and how it is possible for a person to develop symptoms or become ill. KPNI therapy is a solution-oriented, integrated medicine approach. By combining different insights, the puzzle pieces around symptoms fall together and we know what needs to be done to get the body healthy and flexible again.

As a KPNI therapist, Thomas Vyncke has skills for diagnosis, treatment strategy and interventions to allow the body to function again as it is meant to, reducing or eliminating complaints. And, not unimportantly, how to then also maintain that balance and prevent further complaints.

An approach to health and vitality

KPNI therapists focus on finding the root cause of health problems. Instead of treating symptoms, kpni therapists focus on the underlying factors of your symptoms. They look at the interaction between the immune system, the nervous system, hormones, your lifestyle and more.

For people with chronic complaints, KPNI treatment offers a totally new approach. Together with a KPNI therapist, the cause of the problem is sought, so that not just the symptoms, but the real problem is addressed. This approach makes KPNI an effective method for long-term improvement of your health.

The KPNI therapist analyses your current situation, investigates the causes of your symptoms and develops a personalised approach. This means you have not only a therapist, but also a guide to support you in your process.

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KPNI: A Profound Holistic Approach

Within the clinical psycho neuroimmunology (KPNI) focuses on exploring the complex interactions between the psyche, immune system and nervous system. KPNI therapists Approaching health in a holistic way. Many people choose KPNI therapists because of its in-depth analysis of the balance between body and mind.

The psycho neuroimmunology enables therapists to recognise patterns that are often missed in traditional treatments. KPNI therapists focus on restoring that balance. The core of the psycho neuroimmunology is the idea that our body, mind and immune system are in constant communication.

At a KPNI treatment looks at factors such as lifestyle, nutrition, and mental health. KPNI therapists work closely with the patient to address not only the symptoms, but also the deeper underlying cause find. Within the KPNI this concept plays a central role, allowing therapists not only to treat acute problems but also to work on prevention.

A KPNI therapist can offer insights beyond symptom management. By using the knowledge from the psycho neuroimmunology, people can improve their long-term health. Whether in a clinical or consultative setting, the KPNI therapist adapts its approach to each patient's unique situation. In every practice Where KPNI is applied, it is all about understanding the real cause of health problems, allowing the right therapist plays a key role in the recovery process. clinical psycho neuroimmunology