Deep Dive Track

Unfolding Your Greatest Self

entrepreneurial coach

A pathway to lasting behavioural change

What would happen if you finally dared to go into the depths and discover what really drives you, what fulfils you, and who you really are?

What would it mean to niet to keep looking, but finally that feeling of peace and completeness find? To not only see your successes, but also feel them?

This is your moment. Not superficial changes, but a profound transformation that changes your life forever. Do you dare to let go of everything that holds you back and embrace everything that empowers you?

Are you ready to go all-in?

Already trusted by:


Therapist, trainer & keynote speaker

Thomas Vynke

With over 15 years of academic studies and practical experience, with a Masters in health and rehabilitation sciences & Clinical Psycho-Neuro-Immunology Thomas has specialised in several fields, including, Fascial Manipulation and Intermittent Living.

These expertises have given him a deep understanding of human functioning.


How do you work with Thomas?


From thinking to feeling
Psychosomatic sessions for personal growth

This individual sessions are psychosomatic, which means we linking the power of our thinking to what we feel To increase awareness. The breath, movement, meditation and your own attention are the tools used to build the sessions. The combination of mentoring by Thomas and guided sessions allows you to bring blockages and tensions into your awareness and work with them during and after the session.

These tensions and blockages are held in our physical body (fascial tissue and nervous system) and prevent you from living your own life to the full. They hinder you from really connecting with yourself, family, friends, loved ones and colleagues.

The origins lie in stories we tell ourselves. These arise from beliefs or working hypotheses to perpetuate these learned stories and behaviours, thereby your own prison in mind creates.

The sessions focus on discovering insights and experiences leading to healing or transformation. It is important to note that the integration afterwards is of great importance; you always get tools provided to make this happen.

Self-love and self-mastery are the highest good. You take responsibility for everything in your life and learn to look at yourself and the whole world from love. This is a natural growth process on the way to your own core, your essence.

You grow from needing, through wanting to knowing.

Thomas Vyncke


Do you want this?
Then book your introductory meeting now

Why unfold your state of Being?

In a journey, you will gain new insights, map patterns, uncover limiting beliefs and learn how to reverse them, discuss challenges and so much more....