UNFOLDING Breathwork

Breathe Deep. Dive In. Stay Connected!

out of your head > into your body

Connect with yourself:
Release physical, mental and emotional tension

Breathing helps you get back in touch with the joy and freedom that lives within you. Take the step and let the breath guide you to a life full of peace and connection!

You are not made to bear so much stress. All that pressure is at odds with who you really are. There is another way - A lighter, more authentic way of living in which you can joyfully flourish.

Breathwork opens doors to self-discovery and grow at your pace. Our methods and techniques help you create space: to release stuck feelings, to allow new insights and to reconnect with the joy and freedom within you. Let the breath be your guide to a life full of peace and connection!


breathwork sessions guided


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Participants at Graspop


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Finding inner peace and strength naturally

Thanks to the powerful techniques and methods we apply, you will discover how to free yourself and restore balance in your life. From a place of connection, clarity, and inner strength, you will experience transformation that goes beyond superficial change. Let your breath guide you to a life full of vitality and emotional freedom.

good breathing

After an Ecstatic Breathwork session, you will have:

Our breathwork clients speak out

Choose your breathwork package

Choose a single session or opt for a more economical package of 5 or 10 sessions.

Whether you want to get acquainted or dive deeper, our method is designed to provide you with the tools for peace, transformation, and personal growth. With our proven techniques and the experience of our trainers, you have the opportunity to improve your wellbeing and connect with like-minded people. 

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Take part in the following breathwork workshops

Experience the power of breathing

breathing workshop

Ecstatic Breathwork helps you increase your energy and oxygenate your body optimally. With this technique, you experience a deeper state of consciousness and healing beyond thinking. This leads not only to better health but also to more peace and balance in tension.

Our bodily sensations and stimuli are closely intertwined with our emotions, feelings, and thoughts. The more refined we can observe this, the more present we can be with ourselves, and the easier it becomes to open up other layers of our consciousness.

Breathing is a direct way to reconnect with the body and to get back in touch with feelings. During the breathing workshop, you have the space to dive deeper into yourself in a way that is sometimes hard to reach with words.

More than 1.6 million working people experience burnout symptoms If you feel stressed or suffer from physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, or anxiety, you are not alone. Often, the power of breathing is overlooked as a possible solution, even though disrupted breathing can have a major impact on your wellbeing.

The good news is that you have more control than you think. By changing your breathing, you can change your life. You always carry the ultimate tool for balanced physical, emotional, and mental health.

9 signs to start breathwork:

What is Ecstatic Breathwork?

Unprocessed emotions become unconsciously trapped in our bodies, often leading to physical tension and complaints such as muscle pain or fatigue. These blockages often arise from events, big or small, that we have not fully processed. Breathwork helps to release these tensions and brings the body into a state of recovery, resulting in inner peace and emotional release.

During an ecstatic breathwork session, the vagus nerve, an important nerve in our parasympathetic nervous system, is activated. This nerve regulates the body's stress response and helps switch to a state of rest and recovery. The deep breathing we use stimulates the vagus nerve, which lowers cortisol levels and strengthens the immune system.

Ecstatic Breathwork is a powerful breathing technique that enhances energy, awareness, and wellbeing. It is a tool that helps you break through emotional and mental blockages and connect more deeply with your authentic self, strength, vitality, and joy. Many people deal with stress and busyness on a daily basis. Ecstatic Breathwork offers an effective way to reduce this stress and strengthen your immune system. By breathing deeply and rhythmically, you increase the oxygen level in your body and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide. This leads to changes in your consciousness and physiology, bringing you into a state of ecstasy.

Ecstatic Breathwork is an efficient form of self-development and healing. It helps you push your boundaries and discover yourself on a deeper level.
Want to experience the power of breathwork yourself? Sign up now for a breathing workshop.

Participants speaking after their experience

Why is breathwork so powerful?

The power of breathing

Breathing is more than just taking in oxygen. By breathing consciously, you reduce stress, increase energy, and experience healing.

It directly influences your nervous system, which helps you achieve a state of calm and relaxation, or to boost energy, creativity, and passion.

The group as support

In a group setting, the power of your breath is amplified by the collective energy. The sense of connection and support from others helps create a shared foundation, allowing new connecting experiences to be had and new insights to be discovered.

The intention

Every session starts with setting an intention.

This gives direction to your experience and helps bring clarity and focus.

Whether you're seeking calm, strength, performance, creativity, emotional release, or healing, your intention acts as a compass, guiding you through the breath journey, giving you exactly what you need.

Discover the power of breathing during our workshop

In this workshop, you will breathe consciously to improve your wellbeing. Many people struggle with breathing issues, such as chronic hyperventilation, which often leads to fatigue and stress. Good breathing helps to reduce these complaints and bring you back into balance.

We work with a variety of exercises that provide both short-term and long-term improvement. You will learn how to use your breathing to release tension in your body and experience clarity again.

Healthy breathing ensures that your body functions better, making you feel more energetic. The exercises we use during the breathing workshop help you discover how breathing affects your mental and physical wellbeing. Everything that happens in your body directly influences how you feel and function.

breathing workshop

The world is the unfolding in time of all that we dream.

Ecstatic Breathwork during:

Personal Growth Program

During this journey, you receive the tools, insights, and guidance needed to take steps towards a life focused on personal growth and self-improvement. You will discover how to take life into your own hands and how growth is intrinsically linked to success—a journey full of challenges, transformation, and empowerment.
breathing workshop

By participating in the personal growth journey, you step into a special and powerful experience in a safe and supportive environment.


Online master classes

The solutions to your challenges are already within you. We are here to combine ancient wisdom with modern techniques, guiding you towards lasting change that starts from within. How? Through accessible (online) formats, presented in a light-hearted way and, most importantly, immediately applicable.

Breathe to relax

Breathe to relax

Discover how to safely and effectively use relaxing breathwork for deep calm and balance.
Find out more
Ecstatic breathwork

Ecstatic breathwork

Free your body and mind, reduce stress, and calm your racing thoughts in a deep and gentle way.
Find out more
Polyvagal theory

Polyvagal theory

Discover how to influence your nervous system and cultivate greater calm and balance in your life.
Find out more


Frequently asked questions

Some common abnormal breathing patterns include:

  • shallow breathing
  • rapid breathing
  • ratio of inhalation to exhalation
  • limited mobility
  • poor posture
  • dysfunction of the respiratory muscles
  • ...

When you unconsciously and shallowly breathe, neglecting to engage your belly, it often results in noisy breathing. You may also experience moments of "air hunger," a sensation that you are not taking deep enough breaths. 

80% of the population only utilizes 30% of their lung capacity, indicating a prevalence of incorrect breathing practices. Understanding the concept of incorrect breathing is crucial in order to prevent its occurrence. Tension, anxiety, fatigue, and excessive exertion often contribute to an irregular breathing pattern.

As a result, our bodies produce higher levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. Some individuals may experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness, tingling in the limbs, fainting, and even chest pain as a result of these hormones.

How can you recognize improper breathing? Look out for the following signs:

  • Regularly breathing through your mouth
  • Frequent sighing or yawning
  • Occasional dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Holding your breath or irregular breathing
  • Shallow breathing (not from the abdomen)
  • Breathing too frequently and rapidly
  • Producing loud noises while breathing
  • Experiencing periods of air hunger

Absolutely not, our breathing therapy aims to empower you with the ability to take control of your breathing and effectively manage stressful situations. We provide you with the necessary tools to continue practicing and improving your breathing at home as well. Don't hesitate to embark on this transformative journey! 

One in ten people experience faulty breathing, which is often influenced by external factors. These factors include exertion, speaking habits, weather/climate conditions, and the composition of inhaled air (such as pollen, house dust mites, and exhaust fumes).

During periods of stress or tension, shallow breathing is frequently observed. While shallow breathing may not have immediate severe consequences, prolonged shallow breathing can contribute to functional disorders such as cardiac arrhythmias and digestive problems.

Breathing is our most powerful yet simplest tool for well-being. It connects the body and consciousness and brings exactly what you need: peace, healing, strength, growth, ... 

During our connected breath session, you will be introduced to the healing power of conscious breathing. By regularly participating in our workshops, you will experience a powerful moment from inner peace and healing. Learn how to use deep, connected breathing physical, mental and emotional tensions can be released.

Our workshops offer deep breathing techniques as well as special methods to reduce stress and explore bodily sensations. With the right guidance, you can even break through persistent or long-term symptoms, leading to relief and recovery.

In a world that is often hectic, agitated and stressful, ecstatic breathwork offers a way to regularly return to and within yourself, unwind and reconnect with your inner strength.