5 Breathing exercises against stress that will change your life
Breathing exercise against stress 5 different breathing techniques to briefly de-stress yourself Breathing workshop books Reduce tension
Are you aware of the way you breathe?
Why do we need to learn to breathe again and why does it matter?
Oxygen provides all life on the planet. breathing in is taking in oxygen (O2), breathing out is blowing out carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2 is the waste our cells produce after they convert oxygen into energy.
So, little oxygen means less energy, which benefits nothing or no one.
A human breathes about 15-20,000x a day, if you don't breathe properly the frequency increases to about 40,000 breaths a day!
Not breathing efficiently costs more energy because we engage the wrong muscles. In addition, it causes us to lose energy.
In short; by breathing badly we lose energy
Until the age of 5, every child breathes well. From then on, a lot of things can go wrong that affect breathing;
The big issue;
Not many people are aware of their breathing. As a result, all the above influences often have a lasting long-term (lifelong) impact. To actively work on this, it needs to be consciously addressed.
Take a deep breath and let's go!
5 Breathing exercises against stress that will change your life
Breathing exercise against stress 5 different breathing techniques to briefly de-stress yourself Breathing workshop books Reduce tension
Breathwork Masterclass
This online masterclass is easy to watch or listen to. Here you will learn the principles of relaxing and conscious breathwork and link science directly to practice.
After this training, you will be able to understand and apply various relaxing breathing methods or techniques, and direct your 'state of being' with your breathing.
How have others experienced it already?
Read some testimonials here ➭
Read articles on respiration published in Pub Med & NIH:
'Vagus Nerve as Modulator of the Brain-Gut Axis in Psychiatric and Inflammatory Disorders'“
'Breathing above the brain stem: volitional control and attentional modulation in humans'“
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