The benefits of cold showers
what is cold showering good for and how does it affect our bodies?
Are cold showers healthy?
Oh yes! Cold showering has numerous health benefits. When we expose our body to cold water, it receives a natural stress stimulus, which activates various systems in our body. This makes us feel more cheerful, energetic, fitter and healthier. Your brain, metabolism and circulation are shaken up, so to speak, and even your entire biorhythm gets a boost.
Cold showering stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the immune system, speeds up the recovery process, burns calories, promotes mental strength and improves skin health, among other things.
Why don't more people shower cold?
Since the 18th century, when the hot water system was invented, we have become collectively addicted to the hot shower. The comfortable hot shower has made us forget about the wonderful benefits cold showers can offer us.
Cold showering boosts your immune system
One of the main benefits is that it gives your immune system a huge boost. A study by the Thrombosis Research Institute in England indicates that when you frequently expose your body to cold water, the amount of white blood cells increases. Thus, your immune system briefly stimulated and it stands acute (very briefly) under increased stress. The production of white blood cells attacking diseases as they enter your body is ramped up. This will make your immune system stronger.
Cold shower schedule: how do you start?
You might already start shivering at the idea of cold showers, but even occasional cold showers can have positive effects on your health. To get used to it, take a hot shower first and then alternate with cold water. Start with a short moment under the cold jet and build up slowly.
Cold shower schedule:
- Shower hot first, then finish with cold water.
- Start with 30 seconds and build up to 1 to 3 minutes.
- Building up cold showering can be done by slightly increasing the time daily.
For an even more intense experience, you can eventually switch to an ice bath, which goes a step further than taking a cold shower.
Advantages of cold showering
Cold showers have numerous benefits for the body and mind. One of the main benefits of cold showersis that it strengthens your immune system. Research shows that regular exposure to cold water leads to an increase in white blood cells, which improves your body's ability to fight diseases.
- makes you immune system more efficient and stronger in warding off disease
- Improves your resistance to stress and makes you mentally stronger.
- stimulates your metabolism to produce heat
- triggers the hypothalamus, this releases certain hormones that make you boost energy and your maximum increase strength
- promotes the production and quality of mitochondria and brown adipose tissue
- reduces inflammation in the body and the promotes recovery after physical strain
"I started cold showers a few months ago and it has really changed my life. Not only do I feel more energetic and alert after each cold shower, but it has also helped reduce my stress levels. It's like all the worries of the day just wash away with the cold water. I am so grateful for it!"
You might start shivering at the very idea, but ending your shower with a cold jet every now and then is already greatly beneficial to your health.
The cold water takes your body physiologically out of its comfort zone because the balance is disturbed and because your body temperature drops drastically in a short period of time. Chances are, therefore, you will not be able to think clearly for a while during the first few times because all your body's energy and attention will go into repairing this 'disturbance'.
The more you practise this, the more your body will know how best to deal with this changing environment and the more you will experience its benefits. It's almost magical what it does to your mindset and your breathing.
Cold showering helps tremendously for your flexibility and imperturbability.
The cold workshop
We live at an unsustainable pace. "Busy" is the new normal. We struggle to relax, to pause our thoughts, and we feel the need for a balanced life.
Surrender yourself to the newness, experience and space for growth within yourself. On the other side, the wisdom of expansion, evolution and change awaits.
Challenge yourself to stretch physically and mentally through cold training. Exposure to cold forces the body to activate microscopic recovery systems, decreasing the risk of illness and potentially extending our lifespan.
- Longs for more balance
- Preferred experiential learning over pure theoretical models
- Enjoys connecting with a group of like-minded people in an inspiring environment
- Constantly looking for ways to improve your quality of life and to improve.
Changes in your body and mindset
You are stronger than you think! You have to cross that border for a while because your body is obviously no longer used to that cold. But as soon as you cross the click made have in your head and you start to experience the changes in your body and in your mindset then you will soon find yourself wondering why you didn't start doing it the same way. And all because of a simple cold water spray and minimal adjustment to your daily routine.
Cold showering: 5 tips to get started
Want to start cold showers? Then follow these tips for a smooth start:
- Pay attention to your breathing. Breathe in and out. As deeply, long and consciously as you can. Control brings calm, breathing provides that control. In this way, you are telling your nervous system that everything is okay and it doesn't have to go into survival mode.
- Follow the pace that is feasible for you. Want to start cold right away but can't manage to get completely under the cold tap? Then start with your feet, ankles, hands and wrists and keep going that way.
- Shower hot first, then cold. Let the temperature drop slowly. Start with a hot shower and go from a tolerable temperature to a slightly unpleasant temperature. We work towards a temperature below 16 degrees. So you don't have to turn that hot tap completely to ice-cold water from the start.
- Build up the minutes. For example, start with 30 seconds. Next time go for 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes and so on, building up.
- Next step? Get guided in a ice bath!
What is the difference between a cold shower and an ice bath?
The effects are similar. The difference lies in the intensity for your body. When you step into an ice bath, the contact surface between your body and the cold water is much greater than in a cold shower.
It is therefore recommended to start with cold showers. Once you can handle this, an ice bath is the next step. This way, you challenge your body even more and get the most benefits from cold therapy.
We briefly summarise why cold showering really does work wonders
Jumping under an ice-cold shower, it takes some getting used to...However, it has so many benefits that it's worth getting started yourself.
First, it helps you to faster and to repair. It strengthens your immune system and makes your body better file is against diseases. Moreover, cold showering has been proven to help with burn from fat. Yes, that's right, those stubborn fat cells literally get a cold shower!
But there's more! Cold showering is also very good for your skin. It improves the blood circulation and helps drain waste products. You just feel fresher and more energetic after an invigorating cold shower. And hey, if you suffer from cold hands and feet, cold showers can improve that circulation and balance your body temperature.
During our cold training let's show you that it's your mental strength magnified and stress reduced. So if you are looking for a special way to challenge yourself and discover your inner strength, our cold workshop might just be your thing!
If you have a heart problem or low blood pressure, we recommend being careful with cold showers. Always listen to your body and stop if something doesn't feel right.
Get under that cold shower and opt for the refreshing sensation of cold water. It will boost your health, make your blood vessels tingle and cool your body in no time.
Believe me, it is really worth taking up this new habit. So breathe in, breathe out and dive in!
How does cold showering compare with other forms of cold therapy, such as ice baths or cryotherapy?
Ice baths: a form of cold therapy where you immerse your body in ice water, usually at a temperature between 2-8 degrees. Compared to cold showers, the effect of an ice bath is much more intense because you are exposed to "extreme" cold directly and for a longer period of time. Taking an ice bath causes a strong physiological response such as increased heart rate, increased breathing rhythm and a strong mental reaction because of the intense cold. It helps reduce inflammation, promotes recovery and relieves pain. Taking an ice bath requires more time, preparation and space than cold showering.
Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy is a treatment that involves exposing the whole body to extreme cold, usually through nitrogen vapour or chilled air. It is performed in special cryosaunas or cryochambers. Compared to cold showers and ice baths, cryotherapy is shorter in duration. During a cryotherapy session, one exposes the body to temperatures from -100°C to -150°C for a period of 2-3 minutes. It also offers benefits in terms of pain relief, improved sleep and increased energy levels. However, taking a cryotherapy session requires a specialised facility and can be costly. Via air, there is about 30 times less exchange of temperature than via water.
Although cold showers, ice baths and cryotherapy are all forms of cold therapy, there are some important differences between these approaches. Cold showering is more accessible and easier to perform, as it can be done in the privacy of your own home using only a jet of cold water. It is also a more gradual and gentle form of cold therapy, making it more suitable for people who are new to this practice or who do not have the ability or time to take an ice bath or cryotherapy session.
cold showering disadvantages
So are there no downsides to cold showering at all? Well, ...
What we do notice, and if you want to call it a drawback at all, is that 'cold' has already become too 'hot' again for some people and they want to go a step further. These people we are happy to guide in taking eand cold bath!
Potential disadvantages of cold showering:
Increased risk of hypothermia: Prolonged exposure to cold water can lead to hypothermia, especially if the ambient temperature is also low. It is important to limit the duration of a cold shower to minimise this risk.
Possible increase in blood pressure: Cold showering can lead to a temporary rise in blood pressure. While this is usually not a problem for healthy individuals, we recommend that people with high blood pressure or heart problems use it with caution.
Psychological impact: For some people, cold showering can be mentally stressful. This can cause stress, anxiety or discomfort.
Is cold showering dangerous?
No. The only possible risk is psychological. It can be uncomfortable if you are not used to it, though. If you go too cold too quickly, it's possible that you'll scare yourself off so you won't do it again.
If there is unprocessed trauma present in the body, this can create a huge barrier. Are you experiencing this? Then contact us for guidance.
To avoid this, we always recommend building up the cold shower step by step.
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Frequently asked questions around cold showers
Does a cold shower help boost the immune system?
Yes, cold showering can boost the immune system. Exposing the body to cold stimuli activates the autonomic nervous system and benefits the immune system.
If there is unprocessed trauma present in the body, this can create a huge barrier. Are you experiencing this? Then contact us for guidance.
To avoid this, we always recommend building up the cold shower step by step.
Is it recommended to take a cold shower every day of the year?
No, not EVERY day. If you shower cold every day, habituation occurs. This eventually prevents you from being taken out of your comfort zone, reducing its health benefits.
When is it best to start cold showering?
To better cope with cold in winter, it is best to start cold showering as early as autumn. This will also protect you better against illness.
From what temperature do you have a cold trigger?
You have a cold tingle from a water temperature of 16 or 17 degrees. Tap water in winter is certainly cold enough for a real cold stimulus.
Why apply cold or heat interventions in our daily lives?
Cold and heat stimuli improve the maintenance of your body temperature, allowing our brain, organs and muscles to keep functioning optimally in all conditions.
Is it good to take a cold shower when you have a cold?
Absolutely. Cold showering probably even helps you get rid of your cold faster by activating your immune system. A cold shower in this case is a therapeutic remedy that can be combined with hypoxia breathing exercises and, for example, ginger, curcuma AND sufficient sleep (>8h).
Can a cold shower help with stress?
Yes, a cold shower helps to increase your mental strength and reduce stress. The cold takes your body out of its comfort zone, making you more stress-resistant.
How to build up cold showers?
Start with a cold shower schedule where you shower hot first and slowly switch to cold water. Build up the time gradually, starting from 30 seconds to several minutes.
How long should you cold shower?
It is recommended to start with 30 seconds and gradually build up to several minutes a day.
What is a good cold shower schedule?
Start with 30 seconds at a time and increase this daily. Shower cold once or twice a day for maximum benefits.
Where can I buy a cold water bath or ice bath?
For those who want to go a step further than cold showers, there are several ice baths for sale that you can use for cold therapy. We work with Tankkd's baths ourselves and may also offer discounts on them. Click here for the discount code
How long cold showering for results?
Results are often noticeable after just a few weeks. Start by cold showering daily for 1-3 minutes and build up.
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